Shopping perfect fit apparel made possible
Sizer Technologies
UX/UI | Mobile App | Web Design
The Challenge
Empower the Process
Sizer developed a technology for accurate body measurements and a clothing size recommendation engine.
It’s initial objective was to gather user’s measurements data to feed it’s machine learning, while offering size recommendations for partner brands’ clients.
The main blockages and my primary UX challenges were:
1) Failures in the measurement process.
2) Low conversion rate due to a cumbersome funnel.
3) Client's Fear of abandoning the shopping process.
The instructions for getting measured were not clear enough and resulted in frustration to all stakeholders.
My 1st iteration was using explicit directions, dividing the instructions to header (eg. full body) and direct orders for each step. The images are icon based for clarity purposes.
For the 2nd iteration, I used the methodology of do’s and dont’s with images of the model that guided the process in the app itself to enhance the comprehension while familiarity with the instructor.
Once more, the copy had to go through articulations - making each step short and descriptive and adding a motivational button to proceed with the tutorial.
The most successful and engaging iteration was by replacing the still images with short video gifs - the usability was improved and the measurements data received was much better.
The Flow must go on.
Improving conversion rate
The Problem:
Users were reluctant to use Sizer recommendation engine and measure themselves as it involved downloading an external app and mostly for misunderstanding the benefit, while Clothing brands fear of a break to the shopping flow ending with incomplete orders.
The Solution:
Articulating and shortening the user journey, assuring that the measuring process will only enhance the experience and provide a value.
If customers are interested in a certain item, they will be directed to the same item when measuring is done.
The Process:
Recommendation is received by tapping on Sizer's widget placed by the size selection field in item's page.
Once tapped, a category and gender sensitive landing page offers users to download Sizer and get measured to receive perfect sizes.
The funnel is explained in the landing page with precision and clear hierarchy to make the user aware of the importance of each step, understand it's benefits and eventually resulted in an increased conversion rate.
Keeping the client motivated
The measuring process based on voice command was improved through intensive user testing, providing an engaging user experience with feedback for each step.
The improved flow reflected to the clothing brands' stakeholders that their users completed the measurement and shopping cycle leading to collaborations with more Retail Brands that tested and implemented Sizer's widget.
From A to Z
Mockup of the recommendation flow.
From selecting a desired item, through measuring process onto receiving a size recommendation and buying the item.
Each brand was given a customised solution for placing the widget to capture attention of users avoiding unnecessary distraction.
User Centered Design
The foremost aim of the app once measured is to project the size for each category for user’s to shop with confidence.
The initial proposition was using icons for each category.
It was accepted by users but brand wise did not make differentiation and therefore was less engaging.
The 2nd iteration was more lively using real images from each of the brand’s webpage added to the category icons, but was waved due to poor readability and the need for manual adjustments.
The 3rd combined the 2 - leaving out the visuals but focusing on the recommended size and category, enlarging the font size for instant cognition. Each category was designed as a separate card.
SizerPro - B2B Platform
The market of corporate workwear and uniforms was prioritized to offer big data customers a fully integrated system for multiple measurements.
SizerPro is compiled of 3 elements
Measuring kit
Tablet & accessories
Online channel
Tutorials and support
Data & Statistics
The dashboard prominent features were viewing the measuring progress and export the data and had to consider the 3 user personas;
The company admin, the client and the on-site operator.
Each having different authorizations and was carefully studied to match the specific technological orientation abilities - resulting in a dire need to design an intuitive and a simple self explanatory system.
The initial view is of the current situation in a matter of ready measurements, pending and fails - indicating to the operator where to focus.
The navigation is straightforward, by tapping on each category, user may drill down to each category.
In the following figure the dashboard reflects which is the prominent reason for failing and further, can view and send accurate instructions to the members that failed for a specific reason and how to avoid them when re-measuring.